Friday, November 14, 2014

Haves and Have Nots/A Vision

“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”   Luke 18:7-8
it’s easy to turn your back,
when you’re one of the haves;
have a job,
have a home,
have money,
have food;
have affordable health care;
believing the lies,
giving into the fears,
buying into the stereotypes;
they’re all lazy,
they’re all immoral,
they’re all looking
for a free lunch;
they all get what they
so afraid
they might take
something that belongs
to you,
some of your hard earned
all the things
you sweated and slaved for,
all the idols you fall down before
and worship,
all the things you sold
your soul for;
the have-nots of the world
are beginning to rise,
they’re not going away quietly
they’re tired of the abuse,
they’re no longer content
with the crumbs,
there are things
bigger than themselves;
things worth dying for./
The children of men hold their breath,
a final sigh before the meltdown,
a silent pause within the maelstrom;
hearts fail from fear,
meeting in secret places,
waiting for what is to come;
like a thief in the night,
it sweeps them away;
trees smolder and smoke,
bursting into flames, as
tires begin to steam,
their rubber melting
to the highway surface;
no where to run,
no where to hide;
like abandoned wells,
their water runs dry,
they sit withering in the sun,
wandering through the wilderness,
lost and alone;
the day is here,
the time is now;
Your mercy endures
to the end,
but who shall hear the message?
who shall accept the grace?
when the Son of Man returns,
will he find faith?


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